The Three Best Types of Investment for the Future

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

Hello friends how are you today, hope you are fine?


Sorry in advance. Yesterday I felt disappointed and felt guilty for my post that was not qualified. Actually, I just want to review a little history of some of the economics that I got. But, it turns out that my post did not get a rating from friends, once again I apologize.

You need that every time I write and make a psychology post I get a little annoyed, because there are several reasons here that make me feel irritated and annoyed. So because of my post running here and there.

Alright friends, today I am still with the same theme, which is building a house by mining Crypto and Hive and Leo Finance.

As I said before, that we are going to get rich with crypto and we are going to build a dream house. Now I'm looking around and looking for a plot of land, happened to be here a very cheap piece of land, worth around Rp. 20,000,000. This land can accommodate a 7x6 house, and a front yard and a kitchen as well as a backyard where I will raise ducks or chickens.

Now I'm still easy and still able to make posts, what if I'm old? Can I still stand up and post on Hive? Then I obliged myself to invest extraordinary in crypto. When my crypto is enough, then we will collect it to sell it for investment.

1.Gold is one of the best things for future investment, so if I have collected as much crypto, I will sell it and buy the investment value in the form of gold. Gold will always be valuable. So far I have never found the value of gold, and the price is always going up.

2.Land, a piece of land that you own will make your future brighter, because land is unlikely to shrink for sale. Every year, humans need land for development.

  1. Science, or education. The development of science and technology as a giant ruler of the earth is one of the most influential sciences. Science is a space for long-term investment that is greatly increasing, and is a priority for modern humans.

Perhaps those are the three best types of investments that will guarantee a brighter future for you. If I have got all that, then the results I get from crypto I will develop the three types of investments above. However, you need to know now, what I really need is a place to live, where later I can play and enjoy the time to study and help his parents.

My friends couldn't have gotten all that, without the help of the community. Neither do you. We as humans are a collection of social beings who desperately need the help of others. I think this is where we go hand in hand, while building the growth of our community that is Leofinance. I am sure, you and I will both be on the way to great success in reaping wealth. Hopefully this post is useful. Thank you for stopping at my blog.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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