$14,933HBD and 23,731 LEO for Motivation to Live in Crypto

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)
Authored by @afridany

Hi friends, how are you? Have a good day.


Dear friends, I apologize in advance, because my post yesterday was of poor quality. Actually, I'm not consistently writing content anymore, because in the last few days I'm not feeling well. First because the weather is very extreme here, making me fall fever, and sick with a cold.

Alright let's get straight to it, for the conditions of the day hopefully what I plan is to be able to get good opportunities and opportunities. Still with the theme of building a house with crypto savings and looking for some tokens that I can use to increase my income. Even though our economic system is very limited, hopefully on our crypto mining platform we will open up the widest opportunities.

Dear countrymen, today the world is experiencing an economic crisis, in various countries on the verge of being critical, such as Malaysia and Singapore, which are still in a state of decline. Even in some other countries, such as Afghanistan and Ethiopia, are being hit by a humanitarian crisis. Therefore, I invite all communities to work hand in hand to build, so that our economy will bring prosperity.

As we know, that productivity and creativity will always bring growth, growth will make the economy smoother and running well. in the city where I live now it's even worse, the government hospital owes 35 billion, this is not a small number for our city. The government will be confused, because the region has no source to pay for the forest. There is no big change that can be income. While agricultural products such as gold that can be used as a source of energy, the income is very little. Meanwhile, other sectors are very little tax, and even then only obtained from tower companies owned by Telkomsel and other telecommunications networks. Meanwhile, fishery and agricultural products do not get maximum results.

As I planned in advance, that crypto is one of the best solutions for mining. Either by creating content or with other artistic creativity. I've been planning to create highly informative content every day. I hope you can see how the world is today through my content. see the condition of the world as clear as my eyes. Sometimes we forget that the surroundings in our own country are not sensitive. Both from a financial and social point of view. That's why I came up with informational content that tells a story.

Crypto friends are the first step to our success together. Today I've raised $14,933, and 23,731 LEO. This smallest number is enthusiasm and motivation. This number is a count to reach the finish. Where I still need time and opportunity.

to collect more. I can't get much if I don't start from scratch. And look at that figure it will make me buy a few meters of land, and I think that amount has already given me buying four meters of land. If I don't collect it will I get all of it?

Believe, crypto will be able to dominate all sectors of the economy, if we believe that we will be successful together. And today the world no longer believes in paper money that is easy to transport, as well as steal. While crypto will make our wallet more secure, because it is decentralized by computers in the world. I think, this is all I can say today, may be useful. Thanks for visiting my blog. If this post is useful, give it a vote and share it for all.

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