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RE: The Gentlemen (2024)

in LeoFinance2 months ago

When I read this I was just sort of binge watching the series. I say sort of because it got a little tiresome (for me) and yet I wanted to find out if Eddie ever extricated himself from the business. I didn't really care about any of the characters, and I found the humor to be a little off. I think men are more likely to enjoy this show than women, although my husband stopped watching it midway through the second episode.

I did finish the series, in a sense, but only by skipping through the episodes. I noted the characteristic Richie pacing, but it seemed kind of old, like I'd seen it before. The one Ritchie movie I found brilliant and irresistible was Snatch. I think I could watch that ten times and still find it entertaining.

Great review. Always interesting how people can see a show/movie so differently.