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RE: I stepped on my ego and completely rebuilt my portfolio

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Its good to admit where you messed up, tear it down and build it back stronger. I definitely have been through this. One day I looked at my portfolio and it hit me, why the hell was i so invested in little project like STEEM and HIVE. Dont over invest in these small caps like I did. To each there own but I dont think they should comprise, all small cap shit coins together, not more than 20% of one portfolio.

It's easy to drink the coolaid around here and take on unnecessary risk. UNI is legit, DOT is legit.. Have fun out there, best of luck with your portfolio 2.0.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thank you very much. Your comment comes as a missing puzzle piece to my post.

Different times require different investing strategies and I feel like DEFI is worth investing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta