3,300 Hive Power👍🏿Current Status

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I reached 3,300 Hive Power. I entered July with 3,250 Hive Power. In the first 10 days of July, I have accumulated 38 HP. I just completed this number to 50 by doing about 12 Hive Power Ups.

I have 4,301 Hive Power with 1,001 Hive Power delegation.

I'm aiming to reach 3,400 Hive Power by the end of July. I guess I have to create content for this every day. Of course, this is not always possible for me. But I will do my best.

I thought about setting a target of 5,000 Hive Power for the end of this year. Maybe I can complete this much sooner. 3,000 Hive Power was always my goal before. This is complete.

New target is 5,000 Hive Power.

See you again.


Congratulations for your accomplishment. And i believe your next target will be accomplished sooner. Lots of love from my side❤️

Thank you so much my friend.

Go higher bro🔥🔥