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RE: Cryptocurrency: Self Funding Mechanism

in LeoFinance3 months ago

In this video, the speaker discusses the concept of cryptocurrency as a self-funding mechanism, contrasting it with traditional venture capital funding in tech projects. He highlights the long-term commitments and financial risks involved in venture capital deals, emphasizing the exclusivity of this form of funding. The speaker then delves into how cryptocurrency funding can empower users to become owners and stakeholders in projects, bypassing the traditional VC model and potentially disrupting the industry.

Detailed Article:
The video opens with a focus on the significance of cryptocurrency as a self-funding mechanism for projects. The speaker draws attention to the traditional venture capital world, where tech projects are funded through large sums of money in multiple rounds. He describes how venture capitalists make long-term commitments to projects, often not expecting returns for the initial five to six years, with the knowledge that they might lose on many deals but profit significantly from a few successful ones.

The speaker acknowledges the role of venture capitalists in supporting tech projects that otherwise wouldn't have access to conventional loans or financing due to their size or stage of development. He cites examples like Uber, Facebook, and Coinbase as successful ventures that started with VC funding, sometimes reaching hundreds of millions of dollars in investment. However, he points out a key issue in the traditional setup where users and VCs can end up in conflict as projects scale and aim to monetize to satisfy investor demands.

As the discussion progresses, the speaker notes instances where projects, such as Uber, raise prices or monetize through means like advertising and data selling to appease VCs. He underscores that this pivot towards monetization can lead to an anti-user stance, potentially alienating the very user base that helped the project grow. This conflict of interest between users and VCs highlights a fundamental flaw in the traditional funding model.

The speaker then transitions to the role of cryptocurrency in reshaping this landscape. He emphasizes that with cryptocurrency funding, users can become owners and stakeholders in projects, enabling them to support ventures of interest or establish decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) for collective funding. By bypassing traditional VC structures, projects funded through cryptocurrency are not beholden to external stakeholders, offering a more democratic and user-centric approach to financing.

In conclusion, the speaker underscores the transformative potential of cryptocurrency in disrupting the venture capital industry by empowering users to have a financial stake and vested interest in project success. He advocates for a shift towards a model where users are not just consumers but active participants in the projects they support, signaling a paradigm shift in funding dynamics enabled by cryptocurrencies.