
And it sounds like you more than enjoyed your beer

Yes, I made pasta with tomato sauce, pepperoni sausage, grated cheese and straw papata, plus a big glass of beer, it made me happy.

😂 haha reading this just made me hungry. Give me some of the pasta, pepperoni sausage and papata. What's papata 😂

Oh my god, HAHAHAHA. This campaign is driving us crazy. I meant potato, because potato in Portuguese is BATATA. HAHA HA. Anyway... straw potatoes

😂 haha the hand is faster than the brain. It's completely relatable. Potato is something I like so yes, I would take straw potato from you 😂

HAHAHA, My God, I can't take it anymore.

só nao to tomando a minha ainda porque daqui a pouco tenho que dar aula mas vontade nao ta faltando viu... calor de mais e ajuda a relaxar!

E como ajuda! Melhor decisão que tomei hoje, hahaha

haha acho que você me inspirou.. vou abrir uma agora.. pena só ter as cervejas que vendo vou ter que tomar bohemia msmo..