NFT Giveaway | Eos - Eosio Crypto Stamp

in LeoFinance3 years ago


Hello everyone

Let´s go with one more giveaway similarly to the previous one.
I will offer a crypto stamp from the crypto stamp collection displayed in NFT Showroom platform.

The collection consists in a digital approach to the various cryptos that exist in crypto ecosystem, some more known than others, and the one i present today, seems to be well known to most of crypto enthusiasts.

Feel free to check Binance official platform below and join through my link if you are not there yet ;)

If you still question yourself about what is this NFT trend all over the net, let me make a quick brief:
At this moment i doubt that you have not heard about NFTs, but even so let's go.
A non-fungible token (NFT) is a type of cryptographic token that represents something unique and can be used to create verifiable digital scarcity.
They are mainly useful in applications that require exclusive and digital items, such as digital art, collectible cards and in-game items etc.

Now a days there are a few NFT platforms were you can tokenize your digital works, but in my case i´m been using NFT Showroom, a digital art marketplace built here on Hive.

The NFTs were initially implemented in the ETH network, but lately, due to the high transaction fees, i have seen a huge influx of new members using Hive, due to the very low fees and the speed of the transactions, which is great :)

This is the Crypto Stamp NFT being drawn - Edition 6/7
Rights: Limited Reproduction


Now lets know what do you need to do to be eligible to win one of these NFT Crypto Stamps
You don´t need to follow or like this post, but if you do i appreciate it :)

To be eligible to Win, you need to

Tag a friend in comments section below :)
That´s it, simple right? ;)

Winner will be announced after 7 days from now

Please note that this NFT is only available on NFT Showroom

Also, feel free to check out my NFT gallery here:


Thanks for following me and support my work!
That´s all for today :)


See you soon
Thank you for watching :)


well, shit. I have no friends, also my followers seems to be long gone. I like the style tho, keep them coming.

Thanks mate, maybe just a reblog seems to be enough to win this one ;)

Yeah, that's unfortunate that hive people busy with punks right now. Ignoring their own artists once again. 🤷‍♂️

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