Entrevista Alejandro Guerra (fundador de Recording Box) en Libertopolis radio

in LeoFinance9 months ago (edited)

Business Radio interview - Recording Box.png

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🇪🇸 Hola querida comunidad de leones!
En esta ocasión tuve el honor de ser entrevistado en el programa de radio Libertópolis Negocios, un programa de radio en mi icudad dedicado a conocer y dar a conocer las historias de emprendedores, desde sus inicios, hasta recomendaciones para otros que quieren seguir el camino del emprendimiento.

Yo comencé este camino hace 6 años con mi negocio @recording-box.

El camino no ha sido fácil, pero definitivamente he aprendido un montón, y lo he disfrutado muchísimo.

Acompañenme en esta platica con Sofia Hegel y Maria Dolores Arias de Libertopolis.

Debo confesar que confío más en la atención al detalle de mi equipo de producción, así que este episodio fue producido por mi crew aquí en casa; aquí en Recording Box.

La única otra ocasión que he estado en una entrevista fue en el programa Alma Artesana con Pablo Perdomo

🇬🇧 gm dear lions!

Today I had the honor of being a guest on the radio show Libertopolis Business, a radio program in my city dedicated to learning about and sharing the stories of entrepreneurs, from their beginnings, to recommendations for others who want to follow the path of entrepreneurship.

I started this journey 6 years ago with my business @recording-box.

You're welcome to read some posts I've made about it:

Goodbye Recording Box 2.0 - The end of an era
Day 01 in the new studio

The road has not been easy, but I have definitely learned a lot, and I have enjoyed it a bunch!

Join me in this conversation with Sofia Hegel and Maria Dolores Arias from Libertopolis.

I must confess that I rely more on the attention to detail of my production team, so this episode was produced by my crew here at home; here at Recording Box.

▶️ 3Speak


Oh man, next time I'd be happy if there were English subtitles because I couldn't understand anything this time but I remember reading a post about your studio before. I listened for a few minutes and it sounds like a very enjoyable conversation 😅

Man, maybe I should've taken the time to transcribe some captions. Maybe I'll update this post with a YouTube video with captions.

Please tag me if you do man, I would love to listen it.

It's a shame I don't know Spanish, and the auto translate isn't that good. It is good to see you share your knowledge, and hopefully inspire other entrepreneurs.

I'm sorry! I really wish I could add captions to this video. I might be able to add some time stamps or maybe a summary. Anyway, thank you for coming and checking it out.

That's ok. I understand that I'm not really the target audience for it anyways. I am happy for you though. More publicity for your business, while also being able to inspire more people.

That's awesome
They recognized you as a great entrepreneur
Anyway, I didn't understand that language lol

I'm so sorry! I might be able to add captions later with another video. Maybe I'll make some shorts in English and we can talk about them :)

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

The journey must have really have a lot of ups and down but actually glad to see you keep it going no matter what

Ups and downs my friend. We've had to try our best to stay calm no matter what and keep trying to be the best in the market. It has its rewards though