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RE: LeoThread 2023-09-30 17:43

in LeoFinance9 months ago

I saw Nifty paying for coffee with $HBD in Rosarito. I must say that is bad ass! I can't say the same about his Spanish ordering skills, but he managed to get the point across; I think.


The problem is that he was trying to order a bourbon and coke.

Either way, he paid in #hbd which is important.

Liquid coke or powder coke?

That is hard to know with Nifty.

Depends if he was thirsty or in need of a pick me up.

Lol! Who knows! 😆 (Only Nifty)

Haha! You're probably right!

Hey, as long as he was able to use $HBD it's all good.

Yeah. What he gets in return, if it is what he wanted, that is one him. The transaction is processed by the blockchain all that matters.

Too bad that his alcohol purchases were made with pesos, for privacy reasons ;-)

If in the end he got the coffee, that's the important thing.

I don't know.

There seems to be some speculation in the room whether he was trying to buy coffee or something else.