Getting to know Crypto Winter in the Blockchain World.

in LeoFinance3 years ago


Getting to know Crypto Winter in the Blockchain World.

There are so many genealogies or things that we should know in the world of cryptocurrency, as beginners, of course, we must know all aspects of the cryptocurrency world. One of them is the term Crypto Winter.

Maybe some of you already understand the term, but for those of you who don't know it, here I will give you a little understanding about crypto winter.

What is Crypto Winter..? Crypto Winter is a decrease in crypto prices followed by a stagnant market in the long term. The first crypto winter that we know as cryptowinter 1.0, occurred in 2018.

Are we currently entering a rocky crypto winter..? To understand this we have to take another look at the historical record of crypto prices in 2018.

From January to September 2018 the price of Bitcoin collapsed by 80%, during that period there was also a Domino effect or news that caused the price of Bitcoin to fall deeper including on 04-01-2018 China limited electricity use to miners, on 12-01-2018 Korea South plans to ban transactions using crypto, on 17-1-2018 bitconnect was shut down and the BCC coin fell to o in value, 26-01-2018 Japan's largest crypto exchange coincheck was hacked and NEM coins on hot swallow coincheck s worth 534 million dollars was stolen and it is said this is the largest crypto theft in history after the collapse of the GOX mount, the NEM Token which at that time reached the top ten crypto immediately fell in value.

Then in March 2018 Facebook, Google and Twitter banned ads related to crypto even today Facebook is not friendly with crypto, the peak was on November 15 2018 the price of btc fell to 5000 dollars. This incident caused the price of Bitcoin to be sideway for the next two and a half years and many people called it crypto winter.

The question is Are we starting to enter a new chapter of the crypto winter?

Has cryptowinter 2.0 started and if indeed cryptowinter 2.0 has started it might start in May 2021, at that time the price of Bitcoin fell 30%, etherium fell 40% and Doge coin roughly fell 45%. There were several events that caused the Domino effect until this crypto coin fell, there was Elon Musk who after appearing in XML actually caused the price of doge to fall, then Elon Musk also delayed Tesla payments using Bitcoin and the funny thing is that the price of the main crypto dogecoin goes up and down following his tweet.

There are also rumors that there is a group of whales who want to bring down Justin Sun, because when the price of crypto fell by chance. This Justin Sun has an Open position against etherium of one million dollars, it doesn't stop there, followed by flash lone attacks that occur repeatedly from May to June.

Losing 200 million dollars and the token price was down 90% no kidding, the burger swap was also hit by a Flash loan attack and lost 7.2 million dollars, BOG Finance was also hit by a flash loan attack and lost 3.6 million dollars the token price went down 98 % there was Belt Finance which lost up to 50 million dollars and Impossible Finance which lost 230 etherium as well.

In addition, there are many other defi projects that have been hit by flash loan attacks, for example, cream Finance BEarn, uranium Finance Meerkat Finance and safemoon. Information about this flash loan attack, friends, you can check the website.

Then it didn't stop until there was news from China which again banned mining activities in June, which eventually caused many miners to move to other countries or they closed their stalls altogether. The same pattern as 2018 of a bull run was then followed by negative news and sentiment, causing the price to fall and then stagnate.

In today's era and I think my personal opinion is probably not going to happen for a long time why?.

Because currently crypto is much more popular when compared to 2018, even in Indonesia alone, it is said that there are already six and a half million crypto investors compared to stock investors of only five million.

Then if we enter the cryptowinter 2.0 period, what is the solution...?

For those of you who are concerned, of course there is a solution, namely hold and stake, we can stake on various platforms ranging from cefi and defi. So friends, you can try it too, it doesn't mean that if we are in the crypto winter we can't make profits, I also stake on the Defi platform like Swap pancakes, coincidentally because I have a lot of crypto stock and the price drops to 50% so I stake In the past, on the PCS platform, as far as I remember, the APY was 100% and above, at least it couldn't cover floating loss.

While waiting for the price to rise, the second solution is to use the dollar cost average method averaging, if you really believe in crypto, this is a good time. Cryptowinter is a good time for us to collect bullets again, if indeed cryptowinter this is very good news because we are given time to buy our favorite coins at a discount.

Even Michael Saylor, CEO of micro strategy, said the price of Bitcoin would reach five million dollars, but maybe it's still a long way off, friends, only Michael Saylor is buying Bitcoin worth one billion dollars again, friends, you can pay attention to those who are rich from crypto have bought Bitcoin , Long before Bitcoin was popular even before there was a centralized exchange.

For example, the winklevoss twins who bought Bitcoin in 2008, a dozen years ago he was not mentioned, how much they bought but in 2013 it was rumored that they held one percent of the total bitcoin market cap and today it is estimated that their wealth is around 11 billion dollars. In fact, the dollar cost averaging method is really good if applied at times like this, because we don't buy at a price that is too expensive. This is not financial advice if friends really believe in Crypto, Do It.

The next solution is to play on a Futures account, in this volatile period it's a good opportunity if you want to try trading on a futures account, but of course this is more high risk for friends who don't have trading skills.

Don't believe meistream news Why?
Because news can be made, whether it's news about fud or news about bulls. Do not easily believe it and as much as possible do not make investment decisions just because of the news, believe in the past, see the impact of news on price volatility (check the news tab on google) because the history will repeat itself. Never forget history, because the news can be made an information can be created for people who have an interest.

Next Invest in Winter proof coins and one of them is Bitcoin. Further diversifying, I believe in crypto but I'm not a crypto fanatic. In fact, I think being fanatical about one particular investment vehicle is foolish. In fact, our main task as investors is to share risk. The way is to diversify into other asset classes.

Next, avoid shitcoins, I mean trash tokens, micin tokens, meme tokens. Indeed, the temptation in token micin is to get rich suddenly, because maybe our tokens can go up a million times and usually can only be bought from decentral exchanges. However, of the 10,000 tokens that exist in the world today, more often than not, this token has a drop in price and the project is unclear.