Some Steps to Success in the Cryptocurrency World.

in LeoFinance3 years ago


Cryptocurrency is one of the alternatives for today's society to invest, either in the short term or long term. For now, you could say we are in the transition period of the biggest wealth transfer ever, the transition of wealth called World transfer from Fiat currency to crypto currency.

On this occasion we will discuss about other cryptocurrencies and how we can get capital gains, even passive income from crypto. When compared to stocks, Cryptocurrencies are a new vehicle to be able to get multiple times profits on certain coins.

There are several steps to becoming an investor in crypto assets, the first step before we become Grace Irish from cryptocurrency I personally think if we invest in crypto assets like if we want to go up to the 100th floor we take the elevator, while if we invest in Fiat currency we are like riding an escalator, unfortunately this is an escalator that has been set down due to inflation.

So let's just start with the first step, our first step is to determine what type of investor we have or choose our investment type, just like stocks, there are several types of investors, even though there are some differences with stocks but now next time we will discuss the differences between crypto and shares because in this post I will take my friends to be able to get crypto assets.

Cryptocurrency is an alternative investment apart from stocks, property and others. The first type of investor is a long-term or long-term investor, here you become an investor who holds your coins for a very long period of time. This can be done for three or five years, in stock market terms this is the same as being a value investor or you can choose cheap coins that have the potential to increase prices many times and you can hold on for maybe 3-5 years.

Suppose you are saving digital gold, there are some coins that are worth keeping in the long term, for example, Bitcoin which is considered like digital gold, now the second is BNB which is the main currency on the largest exchange in the world, namely Binance, then the third and also Ethereum coins.

The second type of investor is scalping or trading, if you are a scalper here you are looking for small money from trading activities, the good news is this Cryptocurrency is decentralized Finance, there is no regulator that limits Cryptocurrency trading, so there is no such thing as auto rejecting an increase of 70 % Even 100% within a few hours.

Then the next type of investor is a swing trader, here you estimate the low price and the highest price of a coin, you can use various kinds of analysis, ranging from technical fundamental analysis to even poman. Don't get me wrong, we can get infopom and or pump moments from people who know about Cryptocurrencies, for example like Elon Musk who often pumps some coins, can also see and follow Twitter accounts of several Exchanges.

Investors should be careful to choose coins, you must recognize several types of coins, so the same if you are trading stocks are also divided into several types based on their capitalization, tiketoka and Rensi.

There are three types of coins that you should know about, the first is Bitcoin. Bitcoin is digital God because the number is limited to only 21 million, if you want to know more details about Bitcoin, you can open several sites to find out about Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the king of all cryptocurrencies around the world.

For the second is Altcoins.
Altcoins are alternative coins besides Bitcoin, for coins other than Bitcoin it is better to choose altcoins with large cap coins. These are large cap coins including Etherium, BNB, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Cardeno, Ripple and Doge, the coin price changes every day.

Then the last one is Shitcoin, shitcoin is an out coin that has now become worthless or we can also say this has failed. The characteristics are that there is usually a significant short-term price increase, after which the price sleeps and even tends to fall due to the large number of investors who want to stalk profits or take profits.

These shitcoins on average we never hear of, for example like tigercoin, shitcoin XL, time coin and many more, dicrypto you can trade with many coins, so you don't have to worry about missing the momentum which coins will rise in price .

The third step is to choose a storage location or choose a swallow, this is just for knowledge if indeed crypto assets may be available ari will be more and more, of course we hope so. Since our goal will want to be extraordinary from crypto assets, there are several ways to store our crypto assets with our banknotes storing them in a wallet in Wallet.

The first term is something called Gold Wallet. Gold Wallet is a crypto wallet that is not connected to the internet, because it is not connected to the internet, we have a much higher level of security, it is easy for gold wallets to store crypto digital assets offline.

The second is Out Wallet which is a place to store crypto that is connected to the internet, because it is connected to the internet you can become a target for firecrackers, you can imagine gold is like our safe and Out Wallet is a wallet that we carry everywhere for various payments and trading. is a trusted digital wallet exchange and they are part of its fans is the largest exchange in the world.

Take advantage of the volatility of cryptocarensi trading is very popular, because its volatility up and down month percent in a day is very possible. Even so, friends, don't worry that your Cipto assets will turn to zero in value because or crypts choose friendly coins with good fundamentals that are liquid and easy to trade.

Next is to study technical analysis and fundamental analysis, in contrast to stocks, crypto is not a company, of course, which is analyzed slightly differently than stocks, but more or less this crypto analysis depends on several things, for example, the core aspects of the crypto project guarantee, for example the technology makes sense or not. the technology.

Whether it is a solution for many people, many who use it or not, then we can also see the aspect of the publishing company. What is the history Is there a great person behind it, who was the founder and so on. then we can also see the volume of transactions per day or the amount of supply. In essence, we are looking for coins with a good future, just like stocks, we are looking for stocks that are under value and have a bright future.

You can use technical analysis by paying attention to the movement of the steak stick in the application, crypto has also been prepared with technical analysis complete with analysis options such as the Ema bollinger band line, Emma City transaction volume and many more, all packaged in real terms.

The next step is to find out what coin information will rise, often the price of this coin is not based on technical and fundamental analysis alone but because of deepam by a group of investors. so some tips if you want to get information on what coins will be pom, friends can follow the Twitter of people who have influence, people who often tweet about cryptocarensi like Elon Musk and others.

Then you can also join several existing crypto community forums, then you can also follow the telegram of the crypto lover community. This is the main source where we will get news about what coins will be pumped, if friends get the news from detik or maybe screen caps.

Is crypto investment safe or not?
There are no risky investments, investors are at risk, investors who don't want to learn are at risk, for sure there is a great opportunity to become a successful person from Cipto assets, maybe you are one of them now.