Vexanium Blockchain Has Transaction Speeds Exceeding Ethereum.

in LeoFinance3 years ago


The emergence of Vexanium in the blockchain world is quite surprising, it is able to spread its wings with the power it has. Vexanium is a blockchain originating from Indonesia, Vexanium is also not just a token that rides on people's blockchain, but Vexanium has its own blockchain.

Vexanium already supports smart contracts, it even has transaction speeds many times over Ethereum, its speed can be compared to Solana, Vexanium is not a new token, coin, or blockchain because the main net has been live since 2019.

The Governance token itself is VEX which can be purchased on several exchanges such as Indodax, Probit Global, BTC-Alpha, and the last one is MEXC. For blockchain performance, it is not inferior, even better than those made in other countries, if Vexanium is made in Indonesia, who is the founder of Vexanium?

The founder of Vexanium is the young generation of Indonesia who cares about the development of the blockchain ecosystem in Indonesia, the founder of Vexanium is Danny Baskara, who currently also serves as CEO or Vexanium Foundation. Even so, Vexanium supports the decentral spirit, it is not owned by the founder, team, or even a particular company, but Vexanium is owned by the public.

The advantage of Vexanium is that it is a non-profit organization, Vexanium is a decentralized public blockchain, not owned by anyone, be it organizations, companies, or even developers. The Vexanium blockchain is already running decentralized, there are already hundreds of thousands of active addresses and 30 thousand active daily users.

Because vexanium is a decentralized public blockchain, we can become miners and verify transactions on the vexanium blockchain. Vexanium has provided the infrastructure, not the mediocre infrastructure, but even better infrastructure than the existing one. Live now, stay now, we want to use it or not.

Vexanium has the speed of the Vexanium blockchain speed of about 3000 transactions per second, transactions can be completed in less than one second. Compare with ethereum which only 13 transactions per second and visa 1,700 transactions per second. This transaction speed can be developed by vexanium to one million transactions per second.

The next uniqueness is the coin supply, VEX has now reached a maximum total supply of 1 billion coins and uniquely, the number of VEX in the centralized exchange is only around 22%, the rest is on BlokChain with various activities. Starting from forming, stake, and others. So the current users of VEX, you could say, are real Blockchain users, not just for speculative assets.


Then, Vexanium uses the C++ programming language. Unlike ethereum which carries the solidity programming language, which requires programmers to re-learn. While vexanium uses C++ which has been studied by many programmers. So programmers who want to make dapps on top of Vexanium don't have to study anymore.

Vexanium supports DPoS systems. DPoS is Delegated Proof of Stake. Miners can get Power from other people's votes, so users who believe will give their power to one of the miners as a representative. Like the system in the DPR, for example, until now there are 140 miners in Vexanium. With this DPoS system, Vexanium can carry out transactions that are much faster.

The next uniqueness is the complete dapps. Vexanium has real world use cases. And the dapps category that is already running on it is quite complete. You can check it on Starting from platform forming, swapping, to gaming, everything is there. In addition to the finance platform, there are other sectors such as worth stamp which is used by several media. So all changes are written on the blockchain.

There is also Here we can submit documents on the blockchain, for example agreement documents. So more or less like a blockchain-based notary feature, the Vexanium blockchain also supports NFT. The use of NFT can be used for various sectors, not only works of art. In addition to works of art, it can also be in the form of a notarial agreement deed, certificates, and others.

Next, vexanium is also supported by BCA Sinergi. Vexanium was chosen as the Startup accelerator program from the BCA group, this is a good stepping-stone for Vexanium to learn about the banking industry that can be brought to the Blockchain system.

Next, free gas fees, issues on other blockchains, gas fees which tend to be expensive. The gas fee from Vexanium is free, miners can benefit from renting RAM and CPU for various transactions on the Vexanium platform.

The next uniqueness compared to other blockchains, we as vexanium users have beautiful account names, on ethereum or other blockchains we often have account addresses with strange and long codes.

While at vexanium, we can choose our own account address such as email. So we don't send it wrong or even forget it.

How about Vexanium's future plans?

First there is a crowdloan project, next, Vexanium will support the crowdloan system.
What is crowdloan? Crowdloan is the founding of a Crypto Project with new innovations, so far it is better known as Launchpad, IEO, or IDO. Crowdloan was first introduced in the polkadot chain, different from ICOs or IEOs where we fund a project and are given a new token in return.

Our crowdloan only needs to stake, in this case, we only need to stake VEX for one year for example, and get new tokens. After a year of VEX we go home and we can also get new tokens, so this system is much more profitable and because the user has to stake within a year, the number of coins circulating in the market will be rarer and can be more expensive.

VEX will integrate with ethereum's EVM as well as ERC-20 tokens, later running on vexanium. Smart Contracts built on ethereum can also run on vexanium. In the future, Vexanium will also be connected to other blockchain chains. We often hear the term interoperability and start with EVM which we talked about in the previous point.

Vexanium started to go international, the first, by listing on MEXC, which was executed some time ago. Vexanium has started to penetrate the international market and is starting to be noticed by markets around the world, hopefully Vexanium can be an opening door for the development of Blockchain technology in Indonesia.


Now how can we benefit in the Vexanium ecosystem?

The first thing, we must have Vexanium coins first, we can buy them on several exchanges such as Indodax, Probit, BTC-Alpha, and MEXC.

Second, we install the VEX wallet, and then want to withdraw our VEX to the VEX wallet, here we can follow several things, such as creating smart contracts and projects on the Vexanium blockchain if we are developers. If we are normal users, we can follow several programs in dapps or in the Vexanium DeFi sector.

We can do staking on the VEX platform, one of which is dapps on VEX that I recommend is ization Finance, here friends can stake VEX, USDT, or WVEX and get thousands of percent APR in the form of EZF tokens on top of Vexanium. EZF tokens can later be exchanged into VEX again via Swap platforms such as salad swaps or VEX swaps.

At vexanium there is no gas fee. There is a resource lease. You do this by Staking VEX, friends, just go to this resource section.

Let's support the Blockchain ecosystem in Indonesia by using the blockchain from Vexanium. Build apps on top of vexanium and really enjoy the vexanium ecosystem which is just as good as ethereum and solana. If you want to get more benefits and want to get a chance to be a team from Vexanium, you can become a top 21 Block producer. For details, friends, you can go to the Vexanium telegram and ask the admin there.

Why ethereum and solana are more popular, even though VEX technology is so much better. Because they are abroad and many people abroad are aware and literate with blockchain technology, while in Indonesia they are still not.