Apple and the NFT

in LeoFinance2 years ago


I've read the other day, that Apple let's people issue NFT from their Apple Store Apps for a hefty fee of 30%, same like the sales on the applications.

Well, this might be a good news, as they did not ban the NFTs and the crypto related apps, but also somehow a bad news, as the fee is outrageous high. It feels like the fortune tax, where after someone has paid the tax for the purchase has to pay again and again just because he has it.

Socialist will say that there is a need for a fortune tax, but the product has been taxed already in so many ways. Now Apple is issuing a tax on products on apps that have been already sold, via it's store, earning 30% on the app and 30% on any issue of an NFT.

I think, given the fees, people will probably not use the apps to pay that amount, and will use the classic methods on the computers.

Would Apple be smarter to ditch the fees and let people issue NFTs on iPhones? Definitely, as it would bring much more users to these apps and if the app is easy to use, maybe new users to iPhone.

How do you see it? Would you issue an NFT at that high fee? Or would just use the usual mediums?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Socialist logic...

A CEO who make 6x what I do, eats 6x the food and causes 6x the inflation. No questions asked, there is zero other factors than what I understand about the economy on a personal level and I will not have time to check any sources you provide me to prove otherwise.

Good day, and thanks for the free lunch if you pay taxes, if you don't, I don't care because I float through life on a magic carpet in regards to finance.