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RE: Priced out of your home?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

This is the issue with the nice perks in life, everything costs, especially where is a demand. I hope both of you manage to get through the extra cost and maybe close the mortgage earlier so that the taxes can be fine and live as you deserve to live. Teachers are, except for South Korea the most underrated professions in the world.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks, neither of us are teachers though :) She is a school social worker and I am the technology director. We still get the shaft most the time! Our hope is to get the house paid off a little early so we can have a little more freedom with our money. I have considered upping our payment now that we have her car and our travel trailer paid off.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was thinking you are a teacher because you like to explain things easily.

I have considered upping our payment now that we have her car and our travel trailer paid off.

That would be awesome, so that you might enjoy everything earlier.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta