Waka Splinterlands Investment Opportunity

in LeoFinance2 years ago



in less than 24h, we will have the next investment opportunity in Splinterlands. A limited edition card will be available for sale. There will be only 1000 cards of this and the fight will be done for the first 500, as they will be able to be bought with Splinterland assets.

It will be also the first card done with a collaboration with some celebrity, and this matters. I know Splinterlands and don't know that guy, so I think this guy will get his fair amount of publicity from Splinterlands.


I say it is an opportunity, as the price of the card will definitely increase, where I think to a five-figure sum. It is a 4 digit from the start, and it has the potential to skyrocket in the near future.

I aim to buy at least one for the long run. I will probably use it seldom, as there are other powerful summoners out there, but it is an asset with a very limited print. This print scarcity gives this card the value, beside the collaboration.

I see Splinterlands as an investment, not as a game, as it is much more than a game. For me, it was one of the best investments made, as it has a very high return, and it is continuously growing. My accounts grow now only with the assets produced in the game and even, can see that in the future, i could live only with the return from here.

How about you? Would you try to get one Waka?

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I don't have the resources to pick one of these up, so I am going to skip it. Best of luck to you though! It does seem like it would be a good investment.

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I had to scrap them and was helped by a fellow from the guild. It is a very expensive card, that is for sure.

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I should really look at selling some of my vouchers. I don't think the market is what it used to be though.

Sold out in few minutes...

I think it was under a minute. As I tried to switch accounts and it was gone.

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I believe that it's going to be very difficult to grasp one of these 500 cards from Splinterlands. Some whales might get several of them and it will probably be sold out in minutes. Hope you can catch one or two :-). I believe it's a card that could rent quite nicely while waiting until the price goes up!

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Luckily, some bots failed and I got one. It was one per block, so no multiple cards at once, which was a good thing.

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Do you think we've got a chance, surely bots will pick them up and nothing for the rest of us?

If bots do pick them up, chances are good that some of them are going to flip them for a quick profit... still could be within reach.

Price is still manageable as it is closing to the acquisition price.

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Bots failed this time or not all functioned well. Did you manage to grab one?

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I'm most definitely going to try to get one...But no idea if the servers will crash before I do press buy lol

Did you manage to get one? The servers functioned well this time.

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Yeah man, snagged one and then poof...Sold out lol

I think it is a terrific investment, and will try to get one myself. I think Splinterlands is going to increase in value this year 2022 and the next as they signed this deal and one with Warner Brothers Entertainment. Big things are happening and I agree with you that Splinterlands is much more then a game, it is an investment.

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Managed to grab one. I'm also interested in the next editions with the new partnerships.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@mistakili published a match against the new summoner, he lost badly!
How is your experience with it?

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