The Beauty of Hive Ecosystem: Diverse Ways to Earn Income

in LeoFinance27 days ago

There are many earning ways in the #hive ecosystem itself. Its strange that people are finding for easy incomes in the crypto market and they are so far struggling.

Its not too much easy to earn from crypto market as we all know that crypto market is highly volatile market and there is a risk of loss as well.

But if people come to know about investment opportunities they will surely join this platform and will start earning on regular basis.

The thing which I like about #hive ecosystem is that it provides with two earning opportunities. One that you can earn passive income and income with your investment and the other as active income where you will need to work in this platform.

It depends upon the nature of investor whether they will earn money by investing or they want to earn without investment. Both of these are possible and people are earning on regular basis.

If you have invested money then you can curate contents which will give you around 9% APR and also you can earn extra 3% APR by just holding your coin.

Other ways of passive income is to delegate your HP to different communities which offers different APR's.

Also another way of income is that you write good contents and share in the appropriate community to earn good upvotes. This type of earning can be without investment as well.

There are many other more earning opportunities in the hive ecosystem and that is the beauty of this platform.

What kind of user are you in this platform? Have you invested your money for active and passive income? Will be glad to see your answers in the comment section.

I hope you find this post useful and informative. If you do, please remember to reblog it so that it reaches as many people as possible and that they can benefit the most from it. Also, remember to upvote, which will help me financially and grow my account.


Thank You!
Best Wishes.a

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You're right. I have invested in one community and I am happy that I did. I'm trying to write good posts too. Let's see how it goes. Thanks for sharing the insight my friend. Have a nice day 💖