The Realities of Making Ends Meet in Today's World

in LeoFinance5 months ago

As we all know that inflation is at its highest peak all around the world and there is now a real problem for mankind. We are facing hard times through financial crisis all over the world and this is the issue which must be resolved as soon.

If the problem persists I am sure that the world will head towards destruction. This is how, because when middle to lower class family can't meet their monthly expense then surely they will choose another way of earning and that is unfortunately, Robbing, Kidnapping, corruption and many more causes will rise.

In this post we will discuss what amount of money is not enough to meet the monthly expense.

I live in Pakistan the country which is struggling financially from last 5 years. We are in the bad times of the life and inflation is at its highest peak.

2 years ago a bread which is used to eat with different foods was around Rs 15 and now it worth Rs 50. Which is about 3.5 times increased in price. The same is the case with every item here.

A lower class family can't meet the monthly expense at all. But if I talk about middle class people they need at least Rs 50K monthly expense to meet their monthly need.

The Growing Need for Dual Earning in Inflationary Times

This amount of money is enough to meet their necessary monthly needs. This money is not enough to take you to travel, hospital, education, and other extra needs.

Therefore, this is the situation in my country where monthly expenses are hardly to meet and not only in my country but the whole world is facing is the same current scenario.

I must thank to #hive which indeed is helping me lot to meet my monthly expenses and surely there are thousands of people who are being helped with #hive ecosystem.

What do you people think about high inflation all over the world? Do you think people must find two source of income for to meet the monthly needs? Will be glad to see your answers in the comment section.

I hope you find this post useful and informative. If you do, please remember to reblog it so that it reaches as many people as possible and that they can benefit the most from it. Also, remember to upvote, which will help me financially and grow my account.


Thank You!
Best Wishes.

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