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RE: Hive: A True Digital Nation In The Making

in LeoFinancelast year

Yeah, well, that does call for a lot of speculation. Of course, the network state itself is speculative because, as of now, there isn't one. It's a nice dream, though. I rather like the idea.

I guess Hive could be moving in that direction, but it has a long way to go. I'm not sure whether the entire Hive community would be interested in that. Maybe some will and some won't. It would be an incredible achievement, though, if it did happen.


It isnt a conscious effort at this point, I agree. And we never know how things will unfold with newer entrants and players. We are dealing with all hypothetical so it is just a guess.

I would say the offline stuff is pockets to start.

So we can see some offline activity tied to the ecosystem. We will see what evolves in areas like Sucre. Those will be some of the first test cases.

What's going on in Sucre?