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RE: How to introduce someone to Hive | Understanding pain

in LeoFinance5 months ago

I suspect most people are still on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, et. al. because they are already members of a strong community on those platforms. They may or may not be making money, but they are a part of a community. Those platforms have had years to engage people and draw them into community. Now that they've done that, there's no incentive to leave.

In order for Web3 to grow, it's got to have tools that help creators and their fans foster community. Right now, it isn't happening. There hasn't been a breakout success yet, despite more than 150 attempts. Maybe more than couple of hundred. What's missing? If Web3 figures that out, maybe some bright creator will build the first breakout community-oriented platform that empower creators to monetize.


The folks at Skate Hive are creating niche-friendly frontends where people don't need to know anything about Hive, just post their stuff and it will be written to the Hive blockchain.

They will be in Hive without knowing they are in Hive.

It is a bold project for 2024, which I believe will bear great fruit.

That sounds interesting, but how will they collect their rewards?

In the same way, but where it says Hive, it will say BRL which is the Brazilian currency, to make sense to users.