#HIVECHAT 4:20 Today on Twitter

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

Here Ye Here Ye!

Come chat on twitter Spaces about any and all things HIVE today!

Price got you down? Get you spirits up with your fellow Hivians!



Every day this week at 4:20pm East Coast Time I will be improvising a twitter spaces for an hour or two with YOU!

Who am I?
I'm @allthemoneys. I joined Steem as @jacobts back in 2016. Long story short, I'm just a journeyman daytrader and night writer who appreciates HIVE and I'm trying to share that appreciation with others.

Whether you are into #defi, #nft, #music, #movies, #art, #writing, #photography, #trading, or #writing come share with us on twitter.

Got questions? Come ask and learn with the

All you need is your phone and twitter app and you can join in. I'm still new to twitter spaces so it should be some janky fun.

Share this post set you alarms. It doesn't matter what you want to talk about. We'll see what happens. And just like Hive, it is censorship resistant!

Have a great day and see you 4:20!



Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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