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RE: Why Isn't Web3 Social Media Growing At a Faster Rate?

in LeoFinance15 days ago

Great post - I've been thinking about this quite a bit recently. My conclusions boil down to two factors;

  1. It has to be user-friendly for non-technical people (anything crypto seems to be over-complex for it's own sake).
  2. It has to do something awesome to hook in ordinary users that Web2 social platforms don't or can't offer. Web3 can't be "just another Facebook" or "just another Twitter", Web2 already does those better than Web3 ever could.

Yes, that's what it boils down to. Non-techies look at it and think it's over their heads. Web3 true believers tend to focus mostly on the crypto aspect of the technology, but there are other benefits. If Web3 doesn't solve a problem that other social media platforms don't solve AND that solution can't be communicated effectively to the people who need that problem solved, I'm afraid it won't ever grow beyond the "curiosity" stage.