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RE: How Developers Can Make Web3 More User-Friendly

in LeoFinancelast month

Spot on ! I've been banging on about this for ages, but haven't made any headway. If we're ever to see mass adoption of Web3, it has to be as user friendly as Web2. What is going on under the hood really doesn't matter to normal users, as long as it works and is secure.

I wonder if the root of the problem is that Web3 developers are working on their own rather than as part of corporates with formal management structures. They're hugely talented and knowledgeable, but have forgotten what it's like to be a new user in an unfamiliar place, and have no-one able to get them to think deeply about the user experience..


I think, by and large, developers are stuck in code heaven. They're not UX experts. Working alone, they have no one to guide them toward a better user experience. So, they build amazing dapps with strong security measures but weak UX. If they'd partner with someone who understands the user experience, we'd get further.