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RE: Making a Living in Web3: The Opportunities are There. Do You Have the Mindset to Take Them?

in LeoFinance2 months ago

An interesting video - I like his perspective !

I'm fairly averse to trading as an income - it's a bit too close to gambling for my taste. But I also lack the IT skills to be a developer, and probably haven't got enough years left in me to learn them.

So the question for me is that although I've got the mindset, I need to find opportunities beyond pure content creation that can earn a living in Web3 without risking too much actual capital.

I get that it'll be hard work, I already run my own business so hard work doesn't worry me, it's more about optimising my time to be able to exit my current business (where smaller operators like myself face being edged out by much larger corporations over the next few years) and turn that time into a decent (not greedy) Web3 living.


I started writing a response but decided to make it a post 🙂

lol, I should do that more often ! I've lost count of the number of times a short response turns into an essay longer than most people's posts 😁

I know - we're never going to make a living in Web.3! 😁