

I still can differentiate which one is bot or coming fron human, manually or auto. it is kinda predictable.

Yep, I can often tell, although not always. But when it's a real human, I appreciate the effort and like to look and see if I like what they post and if they'd be interesting to follow

Well, yeah!

Totally agree and do same thing sometimes.

That is going to be difficult because they would have to define what a bot is and set parameters to capture them when they transact
I don't think that would be possible without indiscriminately affecting some accounts

Yep ! I still appreciate the automated and bot votes. But when it's a human, I like to try to reciprocate the effort they've put in of actually reading the stuff I post.

Sometimes people just upvote to maximise their curation rewards. The only true way you can know if someread your post is if they engage with it.

What would be the purpose?

Well, it's mostly just curiosity. But it also gives me an idea if humans I don't already know find my posts interesting enough to look at (although there's no way of knowing if they're reading it or not).

if they leave a meaningful comment, they're probably human

Yeah, or ChatGPT having a good day ;)

lol truuuue

I do think we should have the option to hide not comments but I don't know what would be the differentiator

That's a good idea.

i dont think they will make such an update but it would be cool to see it !