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RE: Coinmap - One map to rule them all

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I own a small e-commerce business here in the UK, and although I'd be keen to take crypto-payments, I have held off so far. There are two reasons for this.

First, the demographic of my customer base tends to be quite resistant to change. Many of them are the kind of people who think crypto is only used by drug dealers and cyber-criminals, so it's going to take quite a lot of effort and time to educate them otherwise.

Second is that I have yet to find a plugin for our website platform (WooCommerce) which ticks all the boxes for us. They are either very clunky to use (and I really do want something fully automated and seamless), or have additional fees on top of actual gas which mean they end up being more expensive that traditional card processors. Hopefully this will change in due course.


At first, thanks for telling us where you are based. It's nice to associate a living place to "avatars". For now, I am based in Northern Italy.

About customers, yes, it depends onto your customer base and how much "perceive innovation" can be brought to them. Currently I am close to some companies willing to use cryptos but they have specific purposes: some of them are B2B with international suppliers/customers others are in the tech field. So, there are some business areas that are readier for this innovation.

About the second point, I am currently working with a niche provider that supports Europe. I am getting info if they support UK as well.