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RE: They Will Try to Kill Bitcoin | Conspiracies Become Reality as Regulators Deny Signature Bank Acquirer From Accessing Crypto

in LeoFinancelast year

You state,

By no means am I anti-government. I think governments are a key piece of a functioning society. That being said, I think any body of power will always seek more power. This can get dangerous, real fast.

Unfortunately it will always get dangerous, so thinking in the manner you claim will only and always hurt the average human. That's too bad you think there can be healthy government, because there can't. On top of that, I hope you don't claim to think decentralization is the way when you brazenly claim centralization is necessary or "a key piece" of a functioning society.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


This is a more nuanced conversation than black and white.

Some level of central power structure is always necessary. I’d love to live in a utopia where it isn’t, but that just doesn’t exist and there isn’t a single example of it.

What is the most decentralized thing in the world at scale? Is it bitcoin? Is it the internet?

Even those have centralized power structure (node operators and ISPs). As I always say in the podcasts: decentralization is a spectrum. I have yet to see something 100% provably decentralized and functional.

I am pro decentralization but I am also a realist and don’t buy into false ideas of fully “for the people” institutions.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's too bad, because you lack the foresight to see beyond what has already been done and has failed every time. Make no mistake, just because you can exist comfortably enough for you, it's a long failed system.
