Government Aid vs. Axie Infinity

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I've had the opportunity to provide an Axie Infinity scholarship, and it's one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life. What's more important is that I'm finding my theory true — that I'm much better at doing government's job than government. For all of the money and access they have, they can't take care of their citizens any better than we can provide for each other. Using a game. A GAME!

How can any of you invite regulation from these useless idiots in government when there is so much opportunity for us to show who we really are? To show how we can take care of ourselves?

For those who don't know, giving Axie scholarships is like a thing now. The game is one of the most popular in the "play to earn" genre. These games like Splinterlands and Axie provide regular income that is too small for a Westerner, but can actually sustain a household in a developing nation. I've been traveling and met many people in such environments. I've never seen such a great opportunity for folks to reach across the pond and provide a better world for his fellow man.

What's more, this thing isn't charity. If you play it right, giving an Axie scholarship is an investment that you can make money on.

Outside of the daily basic income you can make in the game, you can also generate assets — Axies, Aave and Kyber coins, and other things. You can sell the Axies to other players in the game or trade them for a premium in the wider crypto market on places like Opensea. You can also borrow against them on other platforms. This technology is only expanding, which means the opportunities for profit will only expand as well.

What's more, Axie has nowhere near reached its potential. Crypto as a whole is nowhere near its peak, with less than 1% of the world using it. As the other aspects of crypto come online in unbanked parts of the world, Axie scholarships could become real scholarships in untouched regions of underserved communities everywhere.

Where is Western government with this kind of potential? What do they do except give loans that are unpayable to puppet leaders who steal the money and leave the people starving? And they want a piece of my money when I do business in crypto?

Not happening. I pay my taxes to the earth, not those fucking shitbird hobgoblins.

I remember a story of a man who invented a machine that created water out of air. He brought the machine down to Flint to give the people water to drink during the crisis and the city stopped him. Another story from LA saw the city stop volunteers from building tiny houses for homeless people. You dirty, rotten, ignorant, evil, sorry scumbucket pieces of shit. Die and go to hell for the bullshit you cause.

For everyone else, there is so much opportunity in crypto to do whatever you want. I want to get rich and reach out to the underserved, and Axie Infinity is a great way to do it. If you have the same goals, explore that game. There are also YouTube videos you can watch about "Axie scholarships" that will guide your efforts.

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