Why the US Government Hates Facebook

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Do you really think that the US government is trying so hard to regulate Facebook for your benefit?


They are trying to regulate Facebook because Facebook is better at the government's job than the government — tracking and monitoring its constituents. What's more, Facebook is powerful enough not to share its findings with the government. For whatever reason, they can't put Zuckerfuck in jail. They can't even nail Facebook on tax evasion charges. They are limited to telling Facebook they can't come out with Libra, but that effort seems to be falling short as well. Facebook just rebranded the effort and is preparing a rollout soon.

Facebook is on the verge of becoming its own country with viable power. Actually, anybody can create a country. But not just anyone can create a country that rivals the United States in intelligence and defense. That threatens to cause a fundamental shift in how the average person views his higher allegiance.

I've always thought that the countries of the future wouldn't be named China or Japan or the United States. They would be called Googlespot and Applespace and Facebookland.

These trillion dollar FAANG companies have the money on hand to transact directly with international monetary entities. But for the government's guns, Facebook and Apple could begin paying dues to the IMF and start lending to entire countries directly. Contrast this with the US government, which is in debt on paper (go MMT! so wow, much smart) and constantly trying to come up with some new scheme or violent espionage to justify its presence as the world's reserve currency.

How does this relate to crypto? After all, my blog is about crypto.

As much as I hate Zuckerfuck, who is just as much an evil piece of trash as any Congressman, he does inspire my interest in the fact that he's not immediately backing down from taking power from the "powers that be." Unlike most stupid ass people, they don't bow to "authority" just because authority shows up with a badge and some Men in Black suits. There's a major difference in how he and Bill Gates act when faced with government scrutiny from the average businessman. I think Zucks realizes he is powerful enough to be a partner with government, not a servant, and he is living life to the fullest pushing whatever mutant agenda his zizzed out brain idles on.

Crypto gives the power of Zuckerberg to all of us without having to invent Facebook or be a spaced out degenerate. We should protect those rights in the same way that tech executives protect theirs. The reason government hates Zuckerberg so much is because he stands up to them. All of you closet libertarians should do the same or stop giving yourself heart attacks.

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