Rant about ETH!

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)


I think Hive has really spoiled me. The idea of having to pay transaction fees when sending crypto around is something that I feel is a big step backwards in crypto. It's like there are some sort of bankers weaselling their way back into this new monetary system. It will slowly but surely increase till doing any kind of value transfer is pointless. We will be back to the point where money is controlled by the rich and us plebs will be looking for Crypto Version 2.0.

Case in point, I have an ETH wallet that became compromised because someone might have had access to my seed phrase. I'm not sure but, I didn't want to take any chances. This particular wallet has 0.0009703 ETH in it which is around $22. Look, I know it is not much but it's the principal. For me to move this out of the wallet would cost me over $31.61 leaving me in Debt. What kind of BS was Vitallik thinking when he allow his network and funnily enough it is his network because of his founder stake to make it so unusable for skinflints like me.

Hive seems so much better than ETH in every way. Faster, feeless, cooler and dare say sexier. When the ETH heads get wind of what is happening over here there is going to be a realisation that they are betting on the wrong horse.

Queue tribal comments down below.

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