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RE: Discount EDS For Sale, My HYPNO Tanked, and CTP Underpromised

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I hold CTPSB and have delegated to it too. Great project. Has helped me a lot.

I am posting from 4 frontends from a week - Leofinance , ctptalk , sportstalk , STEMGeeks.


I just barely started posting again. I stay active on the chain but don’t always blog.

I curate on those front ends too - that’s probably why I’ve been seeing you around more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Same here actually . I have been active since this january and I am liking it so far :)

I curate on those front ends too - that’s probably why I’ve been seeing you around more.

Lol yeah .

I have been here since Dec 2017.

I LOVE it here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Amazing , I joined in 2018 actually on Steem but was inactive till last december ( except for actifit posts)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What about palnet?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hm I don't use that front-end that much but would love to try it out .

Palnet recently announced that they were making changes to the rewards system.

They will be moving towards rewarding those who have STAKED Pal and some other interesting new projects.

I still use the tag, because they were they first, and I am used to it - but I don't use their front end, I am waiting for their next project.