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RE: Leo Talk 5/11/21 - Come Join Our Chat (Part 1)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

From today for next 2 weeks , we are facing the lockdown again here in my state .

But the people doesn't seem to care , they are walking and roaming outside ( many without even masks ) carelessly .

When asked , they say they are going to buy essential goods . When I went today to actually buy "essential goods" I wasn't allowed to because they didn't believe me .

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which state?
in NCR things are improving now however lockdown will still be here for the next few weeks with strict rules.

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Well things will be what they are. I think its slightly different in the US since the media is adamant at scaring people so there tends to be more people afraid.

Either way with over 300,000 people infected everyday, I would of stayed home for a week or so for things to die down.

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I hope you stay safe my friend

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