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RE: Wealth Stacking To Earn Your First Million - Starting From Only $1,000?

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

From one entrepreneur to another, I will say this: I like your style. A bit of a dick sometimes, but in a charming way, ha ha. The old me of years ago may not have understood, but over time I learned that if you want to succeed, the fact is you NEED to be a bit of a dick. if you're nice, people do not fucking respect you, that is the harsh truth of the world.

The million in cash where people paid to have photos with the money, was a very slick play. It taught 2 lessons: the fee was a small cost for those who need street cred, a photo with a million dollars in your life can catch the eye of the right person in business, or pique the interest of women (which raises your social value), or a variety of other benefits. It gets people talking, about you. The second lesson that it demonstrates is that having money, if you are smart you can utilize it to MAKE more money very easily. You made a few thousands dollars in about 10 minutes, at no cost to you, and minimal risk. That is some guerrilla marketing level hustle right there, I like it.

And yes, having cash is absolutely important. And physical cash too, I might add. It has many benefits. No risk of a transaction failing or being frozen. It has wow factor, especially these days since few people still use cash, it makes you stand out and gets people's interest. The rich and poor alike should always keep some cash on hand, for emergencies and convenience. I was overseas last months and my card was declined and frozen...if I didnt have $5k in cash with me I may have been fucked royally, or at least massively inconvenienced. I see crazies recommending only taking $100-$200 cash with you overseas, absolutely do NOT do that folks.

And also cash should be kept on hand so that you can sleep next to a big ass stack of cash sometimes for no reason other than just to remind you that you are a fucking baller.

Keep up the good work, and quick parting question: what is your "100 Millionaires" thing, is that a network building initiative, or something else?