
Honestly, I haven't seen Justice League yet. I usually save these types of movies to watch with my son and we just haven't got to this one yet. There are a few other movies I wanted to see with him in the universe before this. We have kept up with Marvel though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I see. Enjoy when you get to it. As for marvel i got marvel though I will try and catch up soon.

I think Warner Bros doesn't like the Snyder cut or Snyder himself. It's not likely they'll make it happen, but they said the same thing about the Snyder happened. If the momentum for the Snyderverse continues or rises, then that will happen too.

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Yeah hopefully the momentum will win out. Would suck if it didnt, just when DC was finally onto something

I think it will. Once the final tally's are made, Warner will cave. Someone will pick up the Snyderverse. I have no doubt. I do, however, have no idea when that will happen. Hopefully soon enough that the actors don't age too much.