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RE: What would You advise a Newbie to Invest in?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Maybe other people will difficult to understand about Hive and LEO because at the first this chain is about community, not really pure about investment in crypto like BTC and ETH

In here just for long terms investment:) we cant just invest and go 🙃

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


yeah that's true but given his time and after he saw my wallet and got excited i think in long term it will be a good investment. For instance if he buys 1k of hive paying 100 euro and during 2021 hive reaches 1$ then he just made 900in profits!

it's a bigger risk though! I agree with you that eth is a better investment for a newbie

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Big risk is everywhere with big profit too :)

Look at alt coin now!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta