By sheer luck

in LeoFinance5 months ago

I can already see it happening. All of these normies will call you lucky for getting rich with crypto.

It's story time frens.

Imagine if you had a magic internet brownie point coin that could turn into a million dollars. It sounds stupid, maybe even a little bit crazy and anyone would tell you to stop dreaming and chasing unicorns and get to work like all the generations before us did, where you actually needed to put in the hours to have a good life.

But as it turns out, this scenario of brownie points turning you into a millionaire is not that farfetched, but it's not as simple as it seems.

You see, if Bitcoin were to reach a million dollars, it wouldn't be like finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow for most folks or a luck based event where you are walking down the street and you find a wallet full of money, it's not a scenrio where those who become millionaires just found themselves with a trunk full of gold out of nowhere.

Nope, it'd be a whole different story. We'd be talking about serious investors—big kids who didn't just buy a tiny bit of Bitcoin and suddenly became millionaires. These are the grown-ups who put a lot of their hard-earned money into Bitcoin when it was way more expensive. The days of buying bitcoin at $10, putting in one thousand dollars and becoming a gazillionaire - provided you held through the ups and downs - are long gone. To have a full $BTC in this modern era would mean to put in a lot of money on a daily or monthly basis for months if not years depending on your economic situation.

Imagine buying a toy that cost a whole lot of money, not just a few coins. These investors bought their Bitcoin when it was between $65,000 and $16,000 for just one! They didn't just dip their toes in the pool; they jumped in with a big splash, investing a big chunk of their savings.

But here's the thing—they didn't just buy and sell when the going got tough. Nope, they stuck around even when the market went on a rollercoaster ride, all up and down. That takes some serious bravery and smarts!

People might say these investors got lucky or got rich quick, but that's not the whole truth. It's like saying someone who worked hard and practiced a lot to win a race just got lucky. Nope, these investors showed discipline and bravery in holding onto their Bitcoin through all the ups and downs.

They're like the superheroes of the financial world! They've learned so much by staying calm when things got wobbly. It's like going through a tough test and coming out stronger and smarter at the other end.

So, if someone tries to tell you that these folks just got lucky or rich quick, they're not seeing the whole picture. These investors are smart cookies who've shown patience and understanding in a world that can get pretty wild sometimes.

In fact, holding onto Bitcoin through all those wild swings in the market is like attending the coolest school for learning about money! These investors have learned some of the most important lessons in the financial world—the kind of lessons that make them stand out among the crowd.

So, let's give these savvy investors a big round of applause! They're not just lucky—they're smart, disciplined, and brave. And remember, in the world of Bitcoin and finance, it's not just about luck; it's about making smart choices and staying cool even when things get a little crazy!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This is the case with most ppl I talk about crypto with, I do feel alone with very few ppl who use crypto down here, some use it to transact on USDT and we know thats not the way, I started on Hive last year and kept buying every time I can dispite the market was still on a downtrend, my goal is to build a reputation no matter the price and with everything going on like VSC, SPK, Inleo, many things will change in the next two years, I have a vision for the next five years and its bright but requires some effort, not luck 🦾

I consider myself as one of them. I didn´t sell at the top (maybe stupid) but also didn´t panic sell at the bottoms.

Gotta stay focused and not trade with the heart. I'm not missing out on this bull market, not this time hehe

Indeed the HODL gurus need to be given their flowers because they deserve it . They're no doubt the real MVPs in the cryptosphere and it's affairs ..

If they didn't hodl we would've never gotten to where we are as a space!

Patients they say its a virtue, some thing I have come to understand expecially in the world of crypto is that you have to be patient

Pretty much, patience is probably a top3 skill to make it on any field, but in crypto is probably a top2

i would think im lucky though. came thru . everything happens at a certain time o.o all part of the destiny some destinies tho arent so fortunate

If I hadn't come accross Hive back in 2017 my life would be completely different. I'm so glad i was lucky like you fren

how did u come across hive O.O? I only came in 2022 ish D: yes u are lucky. wonder where ud be if u didnt find hive

Hehe, a round of applause to them. Hopefully one day I'll be like them. It

To be this lucky you have to play every day! Keep learning and putting yourself out there haha, but it's also not a matter of luck fren, it's an earned right.

That's very true, now luck has nothing to do with it.


Thanks for the coffee fren!

Pleasure is all mine.


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