
and am no where to be found i thought i will find myself ranking high

Keep pushing and engage more you will definitely get a spot

#aliveandthriving #ctp #liotes

You need to hustle some more! A few days of hardcore threading can take you long ways haha

Movin' on up in the world! Still, would like to see myself in the lefthand panel, haha. The gaps between ranks 25-50 seems pretty small though, and I've a whole LPUD day to ramp it up!

One single day of hardcore Threading is enough to climb like 20 spots.

I like to call it taskmaster mode :P

Hahah that's a good name.

Speaking of Task, where's his lovely daily container? Lots of juicy engagement opportunities in those!

No threads activity for me the last three days. I need to buckle up. Don't feel bad if I spam. :P

Recover the looses..

#aliveandthriving #ctp #liotes

exactly. literally every other threads on the homepage should be me

You're being overtaken from your normal 2nd place (and occassional 1st place haha), I would worry, new blood is in town hahaha

I do not like you for creating the campaign and make others thirstier than ever. I am replying to every thread out there today for sure :)

hey thanks for the leo u sent me came in handy on #lpud appreciate it

is #1 purposely cropped out :P to not scare people when they see how many threads he already has.

HAhahaha you could say so, I mean it would suck to know you're never getting to 1st place xD

Ya I gave up on that XD I think I'd be happy being at least top 50.

Top 51-100 Threaders

Full Leaderboard

I might not thread enough to make the leaderborard.. but my thread are top-quality

Your threads are the best, sporadic but with taste :P

still half way to go for me to reach 1000 threads, need to do much better

You are doing well dear
Keep engaging and increase the rank

Thank you for the update. Good to see the numbers are increasing by the day.

Ranking increase by 7 wow
Very close to top 50 now

Of what benefit is it to power up Leo today?
#poll #polls #leo #threads247

Check the last post from @leogrowth and you will see

damn i thought i put up way more threads yesterday

Hahhaaha There is a lot of people ahead of me, but still in the first 30. I don't even know when did I do those so many threads! But hey, gotta kill the keyboard because we are already on may 15th!

I'm incognito😮

I wrote so much that I already had muscles in my fingers XD

Congrats to everyone for participating, interacting with each other is really cool. You start to get to know each person a little better.