Celebrating #LPUD Differently: Adding Value to Community

in LeoFinancelast month (edited)

I know that today is a special day for every lion inside the community; every 15th of the month is a huge day for each one of us: LEO Power Up Day.

I tried joining the LPUD for the first time but it was an epic experience for me after not knowing the rules; joining the LPUD but not more than 150 LEO.

Well, I discussed many times that I am postponing my LEO goals because I learned something more helpful in the community while gaining rewards from it.

Today, I am celebrating LPUD differently by delegating my Hive Power to @leo.voter account. I've been seeing this suggestion for how many times on the community and I see this as an opportunity to increase my rewards while helping the community.

I decided to delegate 1,000 HP to leo.voter account and will wait for my sweet 15% APR rewards. I don't know the reason why I am only getting 15% APR which is 1% lower than what is written on promotion or maybe I am just missing something about this.

Currently, I expect a daily payout of 1.313 LEO from the community, which is around $0.13 per day which is more than what I am getting from my curation rewards.

Based on my calculation, this is the best start if you are only a small account on the chain and want to get the most out of the rewards to increase your stake and turn your Hive account into a business.

I am happy that I am now supporting two communities on the chain by delegating my HP. Since I am getting fewer rewards from my curation, I want to leverage the delegation rewards and take this opportunity to make it more profitable.


Anyway, I am shocked that after delegating my HP to leo.voter account, I noticed that my voting mana is now sitting on 30% which is lower than 85% where I left it after curating. So maybe the amount of your current HP also affects your voting mana.



This move left me a 200 HP which is still enough for me to interact, publish, and increase my activity in the community.


I am now investing my time and effort in sharing short-form content at InLeo because sharing my thoughts, ideas, and questions is convenient. It even opens more ways to interact with different people in the community and expands my scope to build a relationship on the chain.

I just find threads a convenient way to keep showing up and increase my activity. It is also an effective way to get rewards even in a short content. Sometimes, I get more rewards from short-form than long-form posts.


Nevertheless, the purpose of this is to support and give value to the community. I believe that everyone should benefit from it and soon, we can build a business built on top of Web 3.0.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I accidentally clicked the upvote button in this post, but I changed the vote weight and turned it from 40% (which is my default) into zero (0). I hope this won't affect my reputation.

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating your Leo power to @india-leo account? We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @bhattg by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.

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