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RE: Remove content rewards from base layer? /Yea or Nay?

in LeoFinance6 months ago (edited)

Why do we want to you YT for reference? There are heavily censored and editorialized with views that have been sanitized for advertisers.

Considering Hive's content rewards are not exactly subject to these whims. They should be considered more valuable so a 1:1 conversion doesn't work. Even so, our rewards are still likely dwarfed by YT due to their institutional support but we have certain intangibles that put us at an advantage.

We have the ability to support free speech for not only the unbanked but also the DEBANKED.

This is what I wish Hive would lean into more. Being a tailor-made platform for dissidents rather than continuously trying to win over the mainstream.

It's like trying to push the square peg in the round hole considering Hive's unique use case.


Why do we want to you YT for reference? There are heavily censored and editorialized with views that have been sanitized for advertisers.

If you want mass adoption and a robust content creator ecosystem you need to pay people.
Hive cant do that.

We have the ability to support free speech for the not only the unbanked but also the DEBANKED.

This is a more ideological argument I dont think applies to the discussion here. Masses generally dont care about free speech, big content creators dont care about free speech at all.
Its a massively valuable thing, dont get me wrong, but in the context of Hive being a content creator ecosystem I dont think its a factor.

It is ideological but wouldn't really consider it a non-factor in today's social media landscape.

I think, instead of targetimg creators who are established on other platforms, we should try to pick up the ones who are pushed out for ideological reasons.

With these creators come their audiences, potential investors and possibly loyalty when they realize Hive was their safety net that allowed them to continue their work.

I do also understand there is a risk involved in bringing in those type of people but think it's one that could pay off significantly. Could be wrong.

I think, instead of targetimg creators who are established on other platforms, we should try to pick up the ones who are pushed out for ideological reasons.

I used to think that was a possibility as well. What I eventually realized is that they value attention far more than free speech and almost 100% of them are full of shit. They use the free speech narrative to get attention.
If you can offer them free speech, but not attention or money, they will refuse.

Remember the crypto youtubers that cried foul when they were deplatformed?

Aren't we talking precisely about attention seeking anyway when we speak about content creation platforms and their creators? That's what it's about... everyone creating content online is seeking attention

Yes. thats why im saying that the free speech narrative on its own will not bring in anyone here.