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RE: Reward Pool Town Hall

in LeoFinance6 months ago


Why is posh token tracking me in sting?
Why is peakd letting poshtoken track me in sting?
Why would I bend over to get tracked by leo when it's not me getting paid for the data I create?
Even were they to use 100% of revenue created by me to buy back leo, that wouldn't benefit me as leo is nowhere near my sell price.
It would benefit those keeping the price low by selling at whatever the buyers offer.

'The plan' around here is looking more and more suspect the longer these issues aren't addressed.
Is it any wonder that more than 1m people have called bs and just left?


It looks to me like LEO is striving to further centralize the platform in order to aggrandize themselves at our expense, just as the current oligarchy does in other ways. Stakeholders intent on any kind of ROI from the free content creation the userbase - even as miniscule as it is today - provides may have to act to limit LEO's abusive parasitism or face the demise of Hive.

Pie in the sky.
It sells, so why not profit from it?
It's just good crapitalism.

If you notice, the people that don't have to worry about where their supper is coming from have a different viewpoint than most of the rest of us.
Forcing this viewpoint as the only 'relevant' viewpoint is holding hive back, iyam.

"...why not profit from it?"

Because it will destroy the platform.

"...the only 'relevant' viewpoint..."

I agree that this is utterly antithetical to the purpose of the platform. Some few fat cats running the world, or running Hive, kills the goose laying the golden eggs.

Because it will destroy the platform.

From your lips to the very pinnacle of power.
Too bad the insulation will keep them from hearing it.

Have you asked about this in Peakd, Sting, or Leo circles? I'd be interested in knowing whence and when this came.

It comes out of the console, f12.
I have asked, but have no answers.

That lack of forthright information and apparent unwillingness to state publicly with alacrity what is being done and when it started does not bode well for the prospect of allowing advertising on Hive.

Presently I will not tolerate it on the layer 1, and will not use any layer 2 it is allowed on, because this is exactly the treatment I expect from advertisers, and why I do not have accounts on platforms where it is allowed, except I do so deliberately for purposes I will keep confidential.

As an aside, I recommend everyone make dummy accounts on such platforms with ersatz identity information and pretense at policies of disparate nature, in order to gain insight into how advertisers treat different kinds of people and policies, and to enrich their data with noise to render their analyses of less worth, decreasing it's value in the market and reducing the incentive for them to surveil and track us.