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RE: What one thing does Hive need to thrive?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Eliminating the poor tax is a great move.
Now, if we could have the whale experiment come back maybe we could attract some new users.

Centralizing rewards distribution is counter to the broader goal of bootstrapping the coin, imo.
The more crowd we have in our crowdsourced distribution the better, eh?

Add in the toxicity created by our limited toolbox of downvotes as a corrective to corrosive behaviors and why would newbs stick it out, or outsiders invest?

Once we have a crowd to shout down behaviors the crowd doesn't like, downvotes could become more rare.
The more egalitarian, and crowdsourced, the distribution the better, iyam.

That comes by allowing more folks to access rewards rather than concentrating them to the few that find favor with the current ptb.