My new cards in my dcity !!

in LeoFinance3 years ago


After a while my @dcity needed to get new buildings. I had several unemployed people and I had to employ them. In a previous post I made for @dcity, a friend who read the post, and I thank him for that, suggested two cards to me. He had told me that with these cards I will get extra tokens! I listened to his advice and it was that I needed as much as I needed. These cards are Brewery and WEED Farm!
The reason I got these cards is because they give you extra tokens and that is enough to convince me to buy them !!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Awesome! Actually I have also exactly one of each 😁😁 When did you start playing dCity?

Go on my friend it's worth it! I have started about two months ago and I am happy !!

That's good. I think dCity is one of the best games here. It's so complex!

Thank you! I agree with you!!