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RE: I Bought A Second Hand Oppo Phone - Was it Worth The Money?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Big confession? I've never actually had a brand new phone since I've been in Thailand. LOL. Refurbished tech is HUGE in Asia and it makes so much financial sense! My current Samsung Galaxy cost me $60 2 years ago and is almost due to be replaced. And yes, without question, the next phone will be preloved too.

Oppo is BIG here and yes, it's an outstanding phone. Definitely a better choice than an iphone. Which we have to send off to Singapore here for repairs, if there's ever an issue.


It's just not common here sadly... I didn't know about it until my son said. Been trying to convince everyone I know it's a better option. Dad is SO adverse to second hand. Maybe it's a Virgo thing.

I had a Samsung A5 for years... The Oppo is next level!!?