Investing in Precious Metals

in LeoFinance3 years ago


Let me start this post by saying that I absolutely don't like Gold at all. I don't know why but I just don't like something about Gold but Silver is something that I have always been into. I used to buy Silver Coins quite often and it was so much that my Mom had to allot an entire closet just for my Silver Dimes and I sold all of them in 2020 when the price of Silver was quite high. But now I was left with a lot of money but now Precious Metals in my Portfolio.

So What did I Do?

For starters, I looked into Gold not physical but Digital Gold by which I don't mean Bitcoin but Gold that can be bought digitally and you only keep a receipt of it and the physical Gold stays with the Company you buy it from. At that time it really looked like a good option as I wouldn't have to hold the Gold and it would be safe somewhere in a Vault or Locker. But there were a lot of problems that occurred on transactions so I was just not feeling it.

The next step was the obvious choice of buying Gold Coins. Yes even though I don't like Gold I went ahead and bought some of them for Investment purposes. I had a plan to buy 1 gram of Gold which is currently around 70 USD every month. A couple of months in I roped in my Mom to add in another 1 Gram of Gold per month which means now I buy 2 grams of Gold per Month.


So I have been accumulating like this for almost 10 months now and I can now gladly say that I got a nice stockpile of Gold Coins in my Portfolio. If there was just one thing that I regret from purchasing these Gold Coins it would be the fact that these Coins are basic looking ones. I would have really loved to own some Gold Coins like the ones from John Wick Movies. Oh yeah and I still hate the look of Gold though but I like it as an Investment.


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Your desired for silver have a reason,and I know it will really profit u well

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Hold is a good in investment as is appreciates everyday, I guess with time you will see the benefits.

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Hi @arunava, thank you for the information on investing in digital gold.
Excellent that you identified the opportunity to invest and were able to do so, and now you share your experience, well done.
Greetings and success.