Helping Friends Thrive in Hive

in LeoFinance25 days ago

Recently I had a meeting with my 3 hive friends where we discuss about different aspects and match our satisfactory and plan for the next goals. These are the friends which I onboard them in #hive and they are now active in this ecosystem and giving value to the platform.

To be honest I work hard for them to teach them about this ecosystem and how can you earn from your contents, What kind of contents are good to share in this ecosystem where your posts get more attention.

They recently join this ecosystem maybe around 8 months ago and they are now earning good money as well. I helped them to invest some amount in hive and go for powerup.

Anyway this is the vast platform where learning will never end and on daily basis we will get to learn many more in this ecosystem. In the recent meeting we discussed about some Centre works where all of us agreed on the points.

Also I give them a brief about #3Speak community which is a video blogging front-end. I am using this front end for about more than 3 months and shared all my experiences to my friends.

They learned much about this front-end that how can you upload video, what kind of videos have more demand, what communities to use, what are the appropriate tags and also let them know about the Vibes music competition which is on weekly basis.

The good thing that my hive friends learned alot and one of them properly started sharing video blogs which is really appreciable. This is the short brief of our current meetup with my friends about #hive ecosystem.

We as #hive users must be responsible to make others know about this ecosystem and how can they earn from this platform.

Its very crucial that when you start discussion about #hive you must discuss first about its earning method and how can you earn in easy way.

No doubt earning discussions will attract them towards the ecosystem and they will give a try and in result they will like the platform and will start their career in this way.

I hope you find this post interesting and I hope you will like it. If you like the post, please leave feedback in the comments section so that the next one will be even better. Thank you for sticking with me until the end.




REMEMBER: We should prepare for the unexpected and hope for the best. Life may not be easy, but you must do your best and leave the rest to God.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Good to see you are spreading awareness among your friends about this wonderful platform of Hive and 3speak.

There's so much satisfaction in seeing someone you have mentored scaling through what you have mentored them in.
I always encourage my friends on Hive to always bring serious people onboard and mentor them.
This is the best way we can reach mainstream here