A Lesson from the 15th Century's Bitcoin

in LeoFinance7 months ago


The 15th century was an era of innovations and inventions, it was as if there was a shift in human development, giving them the ability to invent things. One of the great things invented was the printing press. After the invention of the printing press, being able to read was like having a superpower, something they never thought could happen.

Then, if you could read, it means you have access to streams of information, knowledge, and lots of opportunities that the illiterate could only dream of. It was the difference between being a peasant, a noble and royalty.

Fast-forward to the 20th century, the new literacy and invention we know about isn't letters on a page; it's about Crypto, understanding its cycles and how to bet on the next 100x altcoins and take profits.

In this era, when anyone talks or hears anything about the investment the first place our mind drifts to is cryptocurrency we fail to understand that investment doesn’t start and end with cryptocurrency there are other things that we can invest in that will still give us same profits as they give but in a world where financial systems are becoming more complex, understanding crypto cycles is your ticket to a different kind of life (or even social status).

Crypto is changing or reforming how we borrow, lend, and invest basically taking doing what Traditional banks can do and more. Crypto is or has already become the horses and buggies of the financial world.

Like the people of the 15th century who mastered how to use the printing press or learned to read and write to become literate, those who have mastered Crypto have a critical advantage in the 20th century.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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