Fun Fact on How Tokenization Works

in LeoFinance7 months ago

Fun Fact on How Tokenization Works


As usual, tokenization is usually defined in a simple way that should be or can be understood by anyone and all platforms explain it in the same way and that’s it’s a digital representation of one’s asset in the blockchain network. What if there’s a fun way to explain it better for a clear graphical or visual representation?

Now let’s say you loved comic books growing up as a kid especially if you are the 80s or 90s kid and then you stored them up somewhere in the Arctic stuck in a box somewhere because you felt you’ve outgrown them or don’t have use for them anymore. Now that you are aware of how the blockchain works and what moves around the blockchain ecosystem you decided to make use of the old valuable comic books to make money by tokenizing them.

Now the question is, how do you tokenize them?
However, you can’t use the old paper book like that because some pages must have been getting worn out or damaged, so what you do is take pictures of each page of the comic books, look for software that can be used to create digital tokens for them then link them to the pictures that way each page of the comic books has their own digital tokens and connected to the blockchain.

When the comic books have been fully digitized, they can now be traded online with ease and its done when someone wants a copy of a particular comic book that has been digitized they will get the digital token for it and it’s forever stored on the blockchain.

But the question is can only comic books be digitized, what else can we digitally tokenise?

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The only question is whether one may run into big (and expensive) trouble if it would be considered plagiarism, as the original author and copyright holder might easily feel that way!?!

Hahaha!!!!! I know right!!

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What did the retired detective call his new real-estate business?
Sherlock Homes.

Credit: reddit
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