The Bitcoin Effect: Has Bitcoin Made People Lazy?


Bitcoin as a whole has turned the lives of many people around the world and when it comes to digital currency world investment it will always be the main thing to look out for that’s why its effect affects many coins causing their rise or fall. Bitcoin has also made investment easy to carry out without stress, just by buying some coins with fiat and letting it grow and this has undoubtedly made some people lazy when it comes to hustling and learning a skill to survive.

Cryptocurrency, in general, has made life easy for people, one can sit in the comfort of their home, mine coins, hunt for airdrops with little or no effort and get thousands of dollars of it so then what is the need for hustling, learn a skill or working hard to make money? Despite the amount of wealth coming out from it, there’s no denying the fact that acquiring the wealth isn’t easy because one has to battle with volatility, and environmental factors, do some research, be proactive on the blockchain and even have a good strategy to get what you need from the blockchain. So we can’t fully say it has made people lazy from another point of view.

Also, another reason not to conclude Bitcoin has made people lazy is that many people have carried out different activities with the aim of spreading knowledge, and innovations and learning about blockchain making them develop their own projects which isn’t an easy feat because they all require hard work too.

Lastly, deciding whether Bitcoin has made people lazy or not depends on how each individual looks at it or uses it. Many people have benefited from the digital currency world through hard work and dedication, while others might have gotten lucky acquiring wealth from it through airdrops and mining with little or no stress, it all falls on how we use it or embrace it.

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