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RE: After the Championship

in LeoFinance2 months ago

The thing is, there are thousands (millions?) of organizations that I'm sure would love your expertise and energy. I think the real gift of retirement is not having to worry about doing the things purely to pay the bills. If you enjoy your job, great, but you might also get a lot more value working with organizations that can't afford to pay you what you're getting paid now, but their work or mission might actually be more important.

I like my job, but I honestly can't wait when (if?) I retire so I can spend my energy on more important things than increasing shareholder value.


I work in public education so I feel like I already do what you are suggesting. I can verify based on my salary that I am doing this for a greater outcome than the paycheck!

Ah, well as someone who is working a corporate job, I salute all that you do! Thank you for all your work for your community!!

Thanks, I appreciate it. It's thankless sometimes, but I know in the grand scheme of things I am making a difference.

You definitely absolutely are!