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RE: Donald Trump Says He Is Going To End EVs and Renewable Energy

in LeoFinancelast month

Just to clarify, people in CA will still have choices... they'll be able to buy second-hand ICE cars, they'll be able to buy new ICE cars from Interstate and buy new EVs. To be honest I'm not sure how it'll go because I'm not sure CA will have the charging infrastructure in place... but I'm curious to see how it goes.

Globally the Oil and Gas industry got $7 trillion in subsidies from governments, so I'm honestly more than happy with EV subsidies to level the playing field. I think with things like auto manufacturing, you can't really let the market decide... because it's so hard to build a car profitably, car makers are always going to make what's most profitable to them, not what people actually want... because people don't really have alternatives.

Same with things like housing... developers build luxury apartments because that's what's most profitable... not because that's what people want or need.

Honestly, it's so hard for me to take anything Trump says seriously... I genuinely feel like he just says what people want to hear and then does what he wants later.